Bean The Space Pirate My Tale

MY descent into darkness began during the Great War. Betrayed by My own commander, I deserted, fleeing into the Cosmis seas. There, I found a new family—a band of rogues, misfits, and outcasts. Together, we carved out a haven in the heart of the earth.

seeking redemption, though I'd never admit it. haunted by the faces of fallen comrades, the screams of innocents caught in the crossfire. Perhaps treasure or an ancient artifact could buy my salvation. Or maybe it's the companionship of fellow rogues—the only family I left—that keeps ME going.

MY hands bear the stain of blood spilled for survival. MY betrayed lovers, stolen from widows, and left enemies bleeding in the ever expending COSMOS. But there's one secret I guards fiercely: the name of the man who set ME on this path. Revenge simmers in My heart like a slow-burning poison.


Bean The Space Pirate The Black Rose


Bean The Space Pirate Fallen