Bean The Space Pirate Rules

6. **The Hidden Hand:**

Rogues manipulate from the shadows. They pull strings, topple empires, and vanish before anyone realizes. Their influence is subtle, pervasive.

7. **Blood Price:**

Every action has consequences. Rogues spill blood for survival, but some debts can't be repaid. Revenge, justice, or redemption—each has its cost.

8. **The Guilds:**

Within the underworld, guilds emerge—thieves, assassins, spies. Each has its own rules, hierarchies, and rivalries. Crossing guild lines invites danger.

9. **The Safehouse Pact:**

When rogues gather, they share tales, trade secrets, and seek refuge. Safehouses are neutral ground. Violence within is forbidden, but trust is fragile.

10. **The Unseen Contract:**

Rogues honor unspoken agreements. A nod, a gesture—a promise sealed. Breaking it invites curses, hexes, or worse.


Bean The Space Pirate Rules


Bean THe Space Pirate reputation